We are blessed to live in one of the most beautiful areas of the country!
Life in the Northeast Georgia Mountains brings many advantages. First we get to enjoy all four seasons of the year. Our winters are beautiful but bearable with snowy days of a winter wonderland.

Spring brings garden time and beautiful wild flowers. We use the mulch garden method of gardening. We enjoy delicious heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash and many herbs.

Employment of organic methods of pest control allow us to attract and keep desirable insects such as bees and ladybugs as well as useful birds. We have a plethora of barn swallows and other birds in our area. We greatly enjoy the benefits of having these creatures on our farm. They provide excellent insect control as well as hours of enjoyment as we watch the swallow’s aerial acrobatic displays.

Northeast Georgia is surrounded by many streams, rivers and lakes.
These provide relief from the summer heat!

Fall is our favorite time of the year!
We have the most gorgeous views of the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. This time of year brings cooler days and nights, especially nice for hiking the many trails that surround us. The seasonal beauty of this area of the country is most attractive to us. It brings a true appreciation of God’s creation and wonders of His earth.

The name of our little hobby farm is Brown Barn Farm. On our farm we have sheep and donkeys, and of course a Brown Barn. My husband Chris enjoys being a shepherd to his flock of Katahdin Hair Sheep.

Each spring we enjoy having lambs and often a baby donkey. We keep a male and female donkey as guards for our sheep. They are alert to any threatening canines such as coyotes, which we never have an issue with as long as we have the donkeys.

We both have full-time jobs outside the farm, but we enjoy the mini-vacation of coming home to beautiful scenery and caring for our animals. What a blessing to have such a beautiful place to live and work!

I have included pictures of our farm for your enjoyment!
Brown Barn Farm