Farm Sustainable environment steward garden homestead homesteading
About Us

The goal of this website is to document our journey on how to live a more sustainable life with less impact to the environment without giving up the modern day conveniences that we have grown accustom to and appreciate in a modern world. Some technologies can help us in that direction while others can have a detrimental impact on the environment around us and our overall health.

If our purpose here is to be a good steward of the garden (Our Environment) then we should always be asking ourselves if what you are doing right now is helpful for the environment or detrimental. These are the questions that I would like to explore and hopefully we as a community can come up with some real world solutions that would allow us to work in harmony with nature.

I salute our brothers and sisters who are going back to our homesteading roots and living off of the grid. We can learn a lot from their journey and should emulate them when we can. But for the majority of us, we are unable to jump directly into the deep end of the pool and need to begin the journey where we are in this modern world.

So, let us begin the journey of lowering our impact on the environment by raising our own meat, growing our own food, using less harmful chemicals in our homes and bodies, and improving the quality of the soil in our pastures, yards and gardens.

Brown Barn Farm